350.000 TON/ANNO

Di rifiuti imballaggi in
plastica post-consumo

Selezione imballaggi

Scaglie PET

Granuli HDPE

Granuli LDPE

Granuli PP - PP/PE

CSS Combustibile Solido Secondario

765.000 TON/ANNO

Di rifiuti organici da
raccolta differenziata forsu

Processo anaerobico

BioGAS da processo anaerobico

Energia elettrica e termica

Biometano da FORSU

Recupero CO2 per uso industriale

Fertilizzante organico


Di rifiuti imballaggi in
plastica post-consumo

Selezione imballaggi

Scaglie PET

Granuli HDPE

Granuli LDPE

Granuli PP - PP/PE

CSS Combustibile Solido Secondario


Di rifiuti organici da
raccolta differenziata forsu

Processo anaerobico

BioGAS da processo anaerobico

Energia elettrica e termica

Biometano da FORSU

Recupero CO2 per uso industriale

Fertilizzante organico

New biomethane plant

25 Maggio 2017

On 29/06/2017 the new Biomethane production plant will be operational at Montello S.p.A. of Montello (BG).The production plant of Biomethane, with an expected annual production of about 32 million of standard cubic meters, the quantitative equivalent of biofuels for a journey of about 640 million kilometers in bio vehicles.

Montello Spa, with an hourly production of 3750 Smc of biomethane, it’s the first example of an industrial plant in Italy capable of producing biomethane exclusively from the treatment of organic waste from urban separate waste collection.

The new plant, which recovers organic waste produced by about 6 million inhabitants (equivalent to 60% of the entire region of Lombardy) will not emit emissions into the atmosphere. It’s also the first “Carbon Negative” plant in Italy: infact, it will also recover, from the biogas generated (composed of about 60% of methane and about 40% of Co2), 38 thousand tons a year of carbon dioxide (liquid Co2) for technical and food use.

Thanks to the effective collaboration of technicians and managers of Snam Rete Gas, Montello is also the first plant to introduce biomethane into the national transportation network.

Source: Adkronos

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