350.000 TON/ANNO

Di rifiuti imballaggi in
plastica post-consumo

Selezione imballaggi

Scaglie PET

Granuli HDPE

Granuli LDPE

Granuli PP - PP/PE

CSS Combustibile Solido Secondario

765.000 TON/ANNO

Di rifiuti organici da
raccolta differenziata forsu

Processo anaerobico

BioGAS da processo anaerobico

Energia elettrica e termica

Biometano da FORSU

Recupero CO2 per uso industriale

Fertilizzante organico


Di rifiuti imballaggi in
plastica post-consumo

Selezione imballaggi

Scaglie PET

Granuli HDPE

Granuli LDPE

Granuli PP - PP/PE

CSS Combustibile Solido Secondario


Di rifiuti organici da
raccolta differenziata forsu

Processo anaerobico

BioGAS da processo anaerobico

Energia elettrica e termica

Biometano da FORSU

Recupero CO2 per uso industriale

Fertilizzante organico

Montello Brings Plastic Recycling to Africa

2 Novembre 2024

Joint venture established with a Kenyan company active in plastic waste management. The goal is to create a supply chain hub, from waste to granules to the finished product.

The Bergamo-based Montello Group, active in the recycling of plastic packaging and organic waste, has established a joint venture aimed at promoting the recovery of plastic materials on the African continent.

Specifically, the new company, Pura Terra Recycling, was created by entrepreneur Roberto Sancinelli—founder and President of Montello—alongside his son Luca (pictured on the left), who is actively involved in developing recycling activities in Africa. The initiative is in partnership with the Kenyan SME Pure Planet Recyclers and supported by the E4Impact Foundation of the Catholic University of Milan.

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Click and visit Montello-Plastics.com