350.000 TON/ANNO

Di rifiuti imballaggi in
plastica post-consumo

Selezione imballaggi

Scaglie PET

Granuli HDPE

Granuli LDPE

Granuli PP - PP/PE

CSS Combustibile Solido Secondario

765.000 TON/ANNO

Di rifiuti organici da
raccolta differenziata forsu

Processo anaerobico

BioGAS da processo anaerobico

Energia elettrica e termica

Biometano da FORSU

Recupero CO2 per uso industriale

Fertilizzante organico


Di rifiuti imballaggi in
plastica post-consumo

Selezione imballaggi

Scaglie PET

Granuli HDPE

Granuli LDPE

Granuli PP - PP/PE

CSS Combustibile Solido Secondario


Di rifiuti organici da
raccolta differenziata forsu

Processo anaerobico

BioGAS da processo anaerobico

Energia elettrica e termica

Biometano da FORSU

Recupero CO2 per uso industriale

Fertilizzante organico

De Sanctis Award to Sancinelli of Montello

22 Novembre 2024

The entrepreneur from Bergamo will receive the award in Rome in the category of entrepreneurs, established companies, and start-ups that have implemented best practices in sustainability.

The De Sanctis Prize for Sustainability, a section introduced for the first time this year, has been awarded to Roberto Sancinelli (pictured), President of Montello, in the category of entrepreneurs, established companies, and start-ups that have implemented best practices in sustainability.

Along with Sancinelli, other awardees on November 26 in Rome, at the Chamber of Deputies, will include Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the National Civil Protection Volunteer Committee, and, with a special mention, Professor Alessandro Lanza.

“This award is an important recognition of the work done so far, but above all an incentive to continue in this direction,” said Roberto Sancinelli. “I would like to thank first and foremost my collaborators and those who have always believed in the development of the circular economy and the decarbonization goals, without ideological prejudices, driven by the pursuit of innovation and the highest achievable environmental performance. The award I received is also a recognition of Montello and all the people who work there.”

The De Sanctis Prize for Sustainability recognizes individuals, entities, and associations that have distinguished themselves in promoting and safeguarding sustainable practices. It is awarded annually by the De Sanctis Foundation in sections dedicated to literature, social health, economic sciences, human rights, and, starting this year, sustainability.

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