350.000 TON/ANNO

Di rifiuti imballaggi in
plastica post-consumo

Selezione imballaggi

Scaglie PET

Granuli HDPE

Granuli LDPE

Granuli PP - PP/PE

CSS Combustibile Solido Secondario

765.000 TON/ANNO

Di rifiuti organici da
raccolta differenziata forsu

Processo anaerobico

BioGAS da processo anaerobico

Energia elettrica e termica

Biometano da FORSU

Recupero CO2 per uso industriale

Fertilizzante organico


Di rifiuti imballaggi in
plastica post-consumo

Selezione imballaggi

Scaglie PET

Granuli HDPE

Granuli LDPE

Granuli PP - PP/PE

CSS Combustibile Solido Secondario


Di rifiuti organici da
raccolta differenziata forsu

Processo anaerobico

BioGAS da processo anaerobico

Energia elettrica e termica

Biometano da FORSU

Recupero CO2 per uso industriale

Fertilizzante organico

Montello wins at Plastics Recycling Awards Europe 2022

4 Luglio 2022

Francesca Sancinelli, director of the plastic department of Montello SPA  on the stage of the winners at the Plastics Recycling Show Europe 2022 in Amsterdam

In the Building & Construction Product category, the SOLAR HEAT panels, in recycled plastic by Montello SpA, in collaboration with WET/Ecopixel srl, impressed the judges for the originality and aesthetics of the concept, combined with the fact that the panels are made with at least 95% post-consumer recycled plastic. The design also allows recyclability at the end of life, creating a circular product that has the potential to provide an alternative source of sustainable heating.


"We are very happy to have won this award - says Francesca Sancinelli - We believed from the beginning (i.e.1996) in the recycling of post-consumer plastic from urban separated collection, and this is the recognition for all the hard work done. Together with our partners WET/Ecopixel we have created a solar panel with an eco-design able to perform its function in a sustainable way both from an environmental and economic point of view".


Montello was also a finalist in the Leisure & Household category with EcoPackly, multipurpose folding container by Fratelli Guzzini.

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